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Spring Planting Tips

18 April, 2016


If you’re eager to get out there and start planting, you’re not alone. Now that April’s here, your garden plans are probably in full swing. Living in Cincinnati, you may wonder what’s best to plant and where. Here’s a look at some spring planting tips you can incorporate into your garden this year.

Which Plants to Choose

Cincinnati happens to be in the USDA Hardiness Zone 6, where low-growing plants that give you lots of ground cover as well as taller flowers for your beds are ideal. You may want to incorporate:

  • Virginia Bluebells
  • Black-eye Susans
  • Beebalm
  • Dense blazing star
  • Heart-lead foamflower

Site Selection

Choosing the site of your garden means you’ll have to assess where your yard gets full or nearly-full sunlight as well as shade throughout the day. Wherever you decide to plant, ensure you have an adequate water supply close by. Keep your garden away from trees and shrubs so they don’t compete for what they need: light, water, and nutrients.


Looking to incorporate some fresh herbs into your window boxes outside the kitchen? This placement makes it easy to grab a sprig to add rich flavor to all your dishes. You should choose hardy herbs that can withstand minimum temps of -20F. Examples include:

  • Rosemary: This wind- and deer-resistant herb does well in full sun and any soil type, provided it gets plenty of water.
  • Creeping thyme: This is a fast-growing evergreen groundcover herb that prefers average well-drained soils in full sun or partial shade.
  • Chamomile: This herb is drought-tolerant and thrives in full or partial sun in sandy or well-drained soil that is not acidic.
  • Garden Sage: Best grown in full or partial sun with well-drained soil.

When you’re ready to give your property a once-over, give us a call at LeafGuard of Cincinnati. We’ll come out to inspect your gutter system and give you a quote on a new one if needed. It’s time you incorporated new seamless gutters for easy drainage and water flow with no clogs and no maintenance.

Ready for peace of mind with clog-free gutters and strong, lasting roofing protection?

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