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Home Improvement Tasks to Tackle This Fall

1 November, 2021


The Ultimate Fall Home Maintenance Checklist – Top 4 Steps Every Homeowner Should Take this Fall in Ohio and Northern Kentucky

It’s important to take a few steps to stave off any home breakdowns. Fall is the time to check off any last-minute home improvement tasks and we are here to make it as easy as possible for you with our handy list of home maintenance chores.

1.  Replace, Repair or Clean Siding

After a long summer, fall home maintenance is essential, especially since siding can become dirty or mildewed. Fall is a great time to use a pressure washer to clean it up and inspect for more serious problems. If your siding has seen better days (think missing, bent, or cracked pieces), consider replacing it.

2.  Repair Window Seals to Prevent Drafts

All double or triple-pane windows should have a tight seal around their perimeter that separates the individual panes of glass and traps inert gas between them, providing a break between the temperatures inside and outside your home. If you notice that your windows are frequently foggy, that’s likely a sign of a failed seal.

3. Air Filter Change & Furnace Tune-Up

One of the most frequently asked questions from homeowners is, “How often should you change your air filter?” This one really should be a maintenance task you do every month. Dirty air filters can lead to higher energy bills and irreparably damage your HVAC system.

4. Inspect The Roof & Gutters

It’s generally fine to wait until most of the leaves have fallen in autumn to clean out the gutters and downspouts, but giving these areas a quick visual inspection now is a good idea. Pull out any sticks or other debris blocking the gutters, and make note of any worn-out seals around vent pipes and chimneys.

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