History Behind the Seal
In 1909, the Good Housekeeping magazine introduced their seal of approval. The seal was awarded to products that passed rigorous standards set by Good Housekeeping, allowing the company to confidently suggest dependable products to consumers. Currently, the Good Housekeeping Research Institute employs both scientists and engineers to carefully test and inspect each product under consideration.
What Does the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval Mean for You?
The Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval is an emblem of the consumer policy. The Good Housekeeping Consumer Policy offers a limited warranty in the form of a refund, repair or replacement of the product if it is carrying the Seal of Approval when it is found defective within two years of purchase.
Not only as a consumer does this give you peace of mind when investing in products that protect your biggest investment, your home, but with products such as LeafGuard® Brand Gutters and GAF Asphalt Shingles, it signifies a product you can trust.
Consumer Guidance
In a market where there are numerous claims, GH offers you guidance in making a smart purchase. This warranty gives you financial protection that other labels, certifications and recommendations or awards do not.
In addition to finding the most superior product, you need to research the most reliable contractor for service. By using the Better Business Bureau and local chamber, you will make your process and experience that much better.
What it Means to be Quality Tested
Evaluation of the product includes reviewing product effectiveness, as well as packaging and marketing claims. LeafGuard® was evaluated for six weeks in the laboratory by the Institute to ensure that the LeafGuard® Brand Gutter System met consumer expectations and performed as promised. The technicians at the Institute tested all the features of strength, quality, and durability that are part of a LeafGuard® gutter system. The Engineering Lab’s in-depth evaluations of GAF Roofing confirmed that the shingles are ultra-strong and long-lasting, pass the industry’s toughest wind tests, and will help protect your home against fire.